We empower families and communities to be healthy, educated and self-reliant. You can help.


Volunteer in Guatemala

Explore wondrous places, meet the Maya, and lend your time and talents to enrich lives—yours included. We promise.

Sponsor a child

Sponsor a Child

Education is key to beating poverty! You can become a Xela AID “Angel” and a child’s lifeline to a bright future for as little as $1.02 a day.


Join a Support Club!

Make a lasting impact by giving or fundraising for programs that transform lives!


Donate an Auction Item

Your unique items, vacation homes and interesting experience offerings will help fuel our programs that build self reliance.


Leave a Legacy

Your legacy can make it possible for generations of children and families to live, learn and thrive while benefiting your estate.


Practice Your Spanish

Want to improve your Spanish? Now you can while at the same time helping a student complete their higher education!